Agent AS400 |
Operating System
- IBM OS400 v7R2 (with IBM iSeries CPU)
- IBM OS400 v7R3 (with IBM iSeries CPU)
- IBM OS400 V7R4 (with IBM iSeries CPU)
- IBM OS400 V7R5 (with IBM iSeries CPU)
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Agent BS2000 |
Operating System
- Fujitsu BS2000 OS DX V1.0
- Fujitsu BS2000 OSD 10
- Fujitsu BS2000 OSD 11
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Agent JMX |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Apache Tomcat 9.0
- Oracle WebLogic 11
- Oracle WebLogic 12
- Oracle WebLogic 14c
- RedHat JBoss 7
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5 (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2022-12-31)
Agent MVS |
Operating System
- IBM z/OS 2.1 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 2.2 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 2.3 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 2.4 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 2.5 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 3.1 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Agent NSK |
Operating System
- HP NonStop J06.* (with HP J-Series CPU)
- HP NonStop L15.* (with HP X-Series CPU)
Agent PeopleSoft |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
- Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.55
- Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.56
- Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.57
- Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.58
- Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.59
- Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.60
- Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.61
Installation Hint
PS agent supports NOTLS connections to PS 8.61 only
Agent RA Core |
Operating System
- IBM AIX 7.1 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.2 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.3
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (with x64 CPU)
- Oracle Linux 8
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with x64 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 9
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with x64 CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with x64 CPU)
Please note that RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 requires
Agent Unix 21.0.9 or higher
Hardware Info
Minimum requirements | Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
RAM | Production system | Intel Core 2 Quad, at least 12 GB RAM |
Installation Hint
For multi-server operation, the computers on which the Server processes are installed must be of the same platform (e.g.
2 computers with Linux). Combining computers with different UNIX derivatives or using a mixture of UNIX and Windows is not
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Agent SAP |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
- SAP Basis 7.1
- SAP Basis 7.3
- SAP Basis 7.4
- SAP Basis 7.5x
- SAP Java Connector 3.x
- SAP JXBP 7.1
- SAP PI 7.0
- SAP PI 7.1
- SAP Solution Manager 7.2
- SAP XBP 2.0
- SAP XBP 3.0
- SAP XI 3.0
Installation Hint
For Solution Manager 7.2 the fixes described in SAP Note 3067559
and ST-PI SAP Note 3050832 have to be installed.
Agent SQL |
- EXASOL EXASolution 4.2.8
- IBM DB2 10.5
- IBM DB2 11.1
- IBM DB2 11.5
- IBM Informix 11.7
- Microsoft SQL Server 2019
- Microsoft SQL Server 2022
- open source PostgreSQL 11 (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2023-11-09)
- open source PostgreSQL 13
- open source PostgreSQL 14
- open source PostgreSQL 15
- open source PostgreSQL 16
- Oracle Oracle 19c
- Oracle Oracle 21c
- Oracle Oracle 23ai
- SAP HANA 1.00.47
- SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 15.7
Installation Hint
Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition currently only supports PostgreSQL and Oracle
Installation Hint
PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on AIX. PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on zLinux.
Installation Hint
We recommend to use the database client from version 19c which is also compatible with all supported Oracle versions
Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server cloud managed database services are no longer explicitly stated,
but are supported as long as the requirements defined in the documentation are met.
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
Installation Hint
To connect to a database system, the appropriate JDBC driver classes are needed. The JDBC driver classes are not part
of the product and must be purchased separately by the database vendor.
Agent TLS Gateway |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
Agents Unix and Linux |
Operating System
- Amazon Linux 2 (with Amazon x64 CPU)
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 22
- IBM AIX 7.1 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.2 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.3
- Oracle Linux 8
- Oracle Linux 9
- Oracle Solaris 11 (with Oracle Sparc 64 (LDOM) CPU)
- Oracle Solaris 11 (with x64 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with IBM Power 64 BE CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with x64 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 9
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with x64 CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with x64 CPU)
Please note that RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 requires
Agent Unix 21.0.9 or higher
Java Java versions are relevant for the linux sub-types only.
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
- Oracle Java 17
Installation Hint
- TLS 1.2 supported
- supports Centralized Agent Upgrade
- supports IP v6
- Preferred Java distribution:
OpenJDK 11 - Eclipse Temurin (Adoptium)
Recommended minimum JDK version 11.0.25 or higher and 17.0.13 or higher
Installation Hint
supports Centralized Agent Upgrade
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Agent VMS |
Operating System
- DEC VMS 8.4 (with DEC Alpha CPU)
- DEC VMS 8.4 (with IA64 CPU)
Agent Windows |
Operating System
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (with x64 CPU)
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
- Oracle Java 17
Installation Hint
- TLS 1.2 supported
- supports Centralized Agent Upgrade
- supports IP v6
- Preferred Java distribution:
OpenJDK 11 - Eclipse Temurin (Adoptium)
Recommended minimum JDK version 11.0.25 or higher and 17.0.13 or higher
- Microsoft Vcredist latest version (on Microsoft Windows)
Installation Hint
supports Centralized Agent Upgrade
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Analytics.Backend |
- IBM DB2 10.5 Fixpack 8
- IBM DB2 11.1
- IBM DB2 11.5
- Microsoft SQL Server 2019
- Microsoft SQL Server 2022
- open source PostgreSQL 12
- open source PostgreSQL 13
- open source PostgreSQL 14
- open source PostgreSQL 15
- open source PostgreSQL 16
- Oracle Oracle 19c
- Oracle Oracle 21c
- Oracle Oracle 23ai
Installation Hint
Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition currently only supports PostgreSQL and Oracle
Installation Hint
PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on AIX. PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on zLinux.
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
- Oracle Java 17
Analytics.Datastore |
- open source PostgreSQL 11 (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2023-11-09)
- open source PostgreSQL 12
- open source PostgreSQL 13
- open source PostgreSQL 14
- open source PostgreSQL 15
- open source PostgreSQL 16
Installation Hint
Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition currently only supports PostgreSQL and Oracle
Installation Hint
PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on AIX. PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on zLinux.
Application Interface |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
AutomationEngine |
Operating System
- Amazon Linux 2 (with Amazon x64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.1 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.2 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.3
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (with x64 CPU)
- Oracle Linux 8
- Oracle Linux 9
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with x64 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 9
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with x64 CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with x64 CPU)
Please note that RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 requires
Agent Unix 21.0.9 or higher
Hardware Info
Minimum requirements | Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
RAM | Production system | Intel Core 2 Quad, at least 12 GB RAM |
Installation Hint
For multi-server operation, the computers on which the Server processes are installed must be of the same platform (e.g.
2 computers with Linux). Combining computers with different UNIX derivatives or using a mixture of UNIX and Windows is not
- IBM DB2 10.5 Fixpack 8
- IBM DB2 11.1
- IBM DB2 11.5
- Microsoft SQL Server 2019
- Microsoft SQL Server 2022
- open source PostgreSQL 12
- open source PostgreSQL 13
- open source PostgreSQL 14
- open source PostgreSQL 15
- open source PostgreSQL 16
- Oracle Oracle 19c
- Oracle Oracle 21c
- Oracle Oracle 23ai
Hardware Info
The size of the Automation Engine Database highly depends on the size of the system and its capacity. It may range from
20 GB to several hundred GBs. Test
system | Intel Core 2 Duo, at least 4 GB RAM | Production system | Intel Core 2 Quad, at least
20 GB RAM |
Installation Hint
Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition currently only supports PostgreSQL and Oracle
Installation Hint
PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on AIX. PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on zLinux.
Installation Hint
The latency period when the Automation Engine accesses the Database should not be too high (ping response with 8k packet
size < 1ms).
Installation Hint
We recommend to use the database client from version 19c which is also compatible with all supported Oracle versions
Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server cloud managed database services are no longer explicitly stated,
but are supported as long as the requirements defined in the documentation are met.
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
Installation Hint
All utilities require 64bit Java. Exception: Starting the graphical interface of the DB Reporting Tool requires
a 32bit Java version.
Installation Hint
Preferred Java distribution: OpenJDK 11 - Eclipse Temurin (Adoptium)
- Microsoft Vcredist latest version (on Microsoft Windows)
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Automic.Web.Interface |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
- Oracle Java 17
- Apache Tomcat 9.0
- Google Chrome latest version
- Microsoft Edge (Chromium)
- Mozilla Firefox 68 ESR or newer
Installation Hint
Preferred Java distribution: OpenJDK 11 - Eclipse Temurin (Adoptium)
CallAPI AS400 |
Operating System
- IBM OS400 v7R2 (with IBM iSeries CPU)
- IBM OS400 v7R3 (with IBM iSeries CPU)
- IBM OS400 V7R4 (with IBM iSeries CPU)
- IBM OS400 V7R5 (with IBM iSeries CPU)
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
CallAPI BS2000 |
Operating System
- Fujitsu BS2000 OS DX V1.0
- Fujitsu BS2000 OSD 10
- Fujitsu BS2000 OSD 11
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
CallAPI Java |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Operating System
- IBM z/OS 2.1 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 2.2 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 2.3 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 2.4 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 2.5 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- IBM z/OS 3.1 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Operating System
- HP NonStop J06.* (with HP J-Series CPU)
- HP NonStop L15.* (with HP X-Series CPU)
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
- SAP Basis 7.1
- SAP Basis 7.3
- SAP Basis 7.4
- SAP Basis 7.5x
- SAP Java Connector 3.x
- SAP JXBP 7.1
- SAP PI 7.0
- SAP PI 7.1
- SAP XBP 2.0
- SAP XBP 3.0
- SAP XI 3.0
CallAPI Unix |
Operating System
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 22
- IBM AIX 7.1 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.2 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.3
- Oracle Linux 8
- Oracle Solaris 11 (with Oracle Sparc 64 (LDOM) CPU)
- Oracle Solaris 11 (with x64 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with IBM Power 64 BE CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with x64 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with x86 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 9
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with x64 CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with x64 CPU)
Please note that RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 requires
Agent Unix 21.0.9 or higher
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Operating System
- DEC VMS 8.4 (with DEC Alpha CPU)
- DEC VMS 8.4 (with IA64 CPU)
CallAPI Windows |
Operating System
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Vcredist latest version (on Microsoft Windows)
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
External Monitoring Interface |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
Framework Integration SAP FinancialClosingCockpit |
Framework Integration Websphere MQ |
ONE Installer |
Operating System
- Amazon Linux 2
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 9
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
Installation Hint
RedHat 9: initd package must be installed manually upfront before using ONE Installer
- Microsoft SQL Server 2019
- Microsoft SQL Server 2022
- open source PostgreSQL 15
- open source PostgreSQL 16
- Oracle Oracle 19c
- Oracle Oracle 21c
- Oracle Oracle 23ai
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Microsoft Vcredist latest version
Proxy |
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
ServiceManager |
Operating System
- Amazon Linux 2 (with Amazon x64 CPU)
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 22
- IBM AIX 7.1 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.2 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.3
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (with x64 CPU)
- Oracle Linux 8
- Oracle Linux 9
- Oracle Solaris 11 (with Oracle Sparc 64 (LDOM) CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with IBM Power 64 BE CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with x64 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 9
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with x64 CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with IBM Power 64 LE CPU)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with x64 CPU)
Please note that RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 requires
Agent Unix 21.0.9 or higher
- Microsoft Vcredist latest version (on Microsoft Windows)
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
ServiceManagerDialog |
Operating System
- Microsoft Windows 11 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Vcredist latest version (on Microsoft Windows)
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Setup |
- Microsoft Vcredist latest version (on Microsoft Windows)
Installation Hint
Use Net-SNMP version 5.x as Master agent if you use the SNMP Agent as Subagent. Net-SNMP is not required if you
use the SNMP Agent as Master agent.
Installation Hint
supports IP v6
Utility |
Operating System
- Amazon Linux 2 (with Amazon x64 CPU)
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Canonical Foundation Ubuntu 22
- IBM AIX 7.1 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- IBM AIX 7.2 (with IBM Power 64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (with x64 CPU)
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (with x64 CPU)
- Oracle Linux 8
- Oracle Linux 9
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 (with x64 CPU)
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 9
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (with x64 CPU) (Manufacturer End Of Life since 2024-10-31)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with IBM zSeries 64-bit CPU)
- SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 (with x64 CPU)
Please note that RedHat Enterprise Linux 9 requires
Agent Unix 21.0.9 or higher
Hardware Info
Minimum requirements | Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
RAM | Production system | Intel Core 2 Quad, at least 12 GB RAM |
Installation Hint
For multi-server operation, the computers on which the Server processes are installed must be of the same platform (e.g.
2 computers with Linux). Combining computers with different UNIX derivatives or using a mixture of UNIX and Windows is not
- IBM DB2 10.5 Fixpack 8
- IBM DB2 11.1
- IBM DB2 11.5
- Microsoft SQL Server 2019
- Microsoft SQL Server 2022
- open source PostgreSQL 13
- open source PostgreSQL 14
- open source PostgreSQL 15
- open source PostgreSQL 16
- Oracle Oracle 19c
- Oracle Oracle 21c
- Oracle Oracle 23ai
Hardware Info
The size of the Automation Engine Database highly depends on the size of the system and its capacity. It may range from
20 GB to several hundred GBs. Test
system | Intel Core 2 Duo, at least 4 GB RAM | Production system | Intel Core 2 Quad, at least
20 GB RAM |
Installation Hint
Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition currently only supports PostgreSQL and Oracle
Installation Hint
PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on AIX. PostgreSQL is not supported with AE on zLinux.
Installation Hint
The latency period when the Automation Engine accesses the Database should not be too high (ping response with 8k packet
size < 1ms).
Installation Hint
We recommend to use the database client from version 19c which is also compatible with all supported Oracle versions
Oracle, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server cloud managed database services are no longer explicitly stated,
but are supported as long as the requirements defined in the documentation are met.
- Open JDK Java 11
- Open JDK Java 17
- Oracle Java 11
Installation Hint
All utilities require 64bit Java. Exception: Starting the graphical interface of the DB Reporting Tool requires
a 32bit Java version.
Installation Hint
Preferred Java distribution: OpenJDK 11 - Eclipse Temurin (Adoptium)
- Microsoft Vcredist latest version (on Microsoft Windows)
WebService |
- Apache Tomcat 9.0
- IBM WebSphere 8
- RedHat JBoss 6
- RedHat JBoss 7
Installation Hint
1.2 supported starting with IBM Java 8.0 Service Refresh 6 Fix Pack 25